La obra de Christopher Paul Stelling condensa
buena parte de la música de raíces norteamericana.
country y Folk confluyen en las canciones de un músico prolífico y en Gira
incesante que, en 2017, presenta “Itinerant Arias” (ANTI-Records). Un
álbum que analiza las tensiones socio políticas del mundo contemporáneo con
perspicacia y la técnica exquisita del compositor radicado en Brooklyn, Nueva
Christopher Paul Stelling es uno de esos songwriters con
mucho talento, voz rasposa y un peculiar toque soul. Originario de Florida, sus
composiciones sencillas y a la vez efectivas invitan a escuchar su música con
atención y a identificarte con sus canciones. Escribe y canta con sentimiento y
mezcla estilos con gran maestría.
Itinerant Arias (2017)
Dentro de
una inmensa gira que pasará también por Serbia, Suecia, Alemania, Bélgica,
Holanda, Inglaterra o Francia hará parada obligada también en nuestro país. En
Madrid subirá al escenario de la sala
Libertad 8, el domingo 8 de octubre, invitado por el Ciclo Momentos Alhambra Música.
sonidos, las pausas, el silencio son los secretos de la melodía. Nos permiten
conocerla desde dentro. Vivir la música es aprender a detenerse y escuchar, a
relajarse y dejarse llevar; es disfrutar solo y también en compañía.
compañero Josechu Egido ha hablado con Chrsitopher sobre su ultimo trabajo y
sus planes de futuro.
Your songs sound like
intensive and elegant Folk and Bluemixed with Rock, Country and a bit of Jazz
music and Pop. A great mix of styles that results on the fantastic sound of
your music now. So, what really are your musical influences?
I listen to less and less music these days just
because I play every night. But I've always been more influenced by other
things like books, the world I see, people
I meet, stories I hear. I think the style and the way things
"sound" are less important factors in music. That being said though I love old delta
blues, I love Tom Waits, I love hank Williams, and Old folk music.
Next year marks 5
years since Christopher Paul Stellingedited your first album “Songs of Praise and Scorn”. What is the
difference between the music of Christopher today and your music 5 years ago?
Essentially production. I think I've learned more about recording. My first 2 records were so very primitively
recorded. The 2nd two I had more time and resources so I was able to expand the
vision. The songwriting process remains,
but hopefully more refined. I have new
plans for the songs from the first 2 albums... I'm excited.
You edited your last
LP titled "Itinerant Arias"
in Spring 2017. What do you expect from this album?
I try not to have expectations except for from
the art itself... as far as success goes, it's better to just put your head
down and get to work. I just want people
to hear the music.
What do we will see
and enjoy in your live concerts for next tour around Spain?
I have a trio of musicians with me. Violin, upright bass, and additional vocals
and percussion. It's a fun high energy
show with deep and somber moments.
What are your plans
for this year 2017 and next 2018? We assume that you will touring around clubs
and festivals. Can you advance anything to us? Any important event?
I have all the remaining dates for this year
announced. I'll take some time for the
holidays and I'm sure be out again shortly.
Do you think the
digital world will end with music as we know it today? What do you think is the
future of music?
Music will find a way. It's just a new phase. Considering I play 250 shows a year, and make
one album every year, live music is much more of a concern. Everyone e talks about the digital stuff, but
the truth is that artists have never made money from
Recordings, live music and concerts is where
music lives and survives... this is more my concern... I want to see live music
What is your best
memory about music?
Every day.
How is a normal day in
the life of Christopher Paul Stelling?
I wake up in a different town, wake up the
band, have breakfast, program the gps, drive 5/6 hours, find the hotel, go to
soundcheck, eat some dinner hopefully, wait around, play the show, meet some
fans and have talks, have some drinks, back to the hotel, sleep, repeat.
What do you think
about the current economic and social situation in Spain, Unites States, and
World in general?
Humans are flawed, always have been. Some of us
are doing the best we can and trying to be kind and compassionate. Others are
evil... mostly fundamentalists and politicians.
I hope things will work out someday, but we just have to keep trying.
Could you tell us
...A book?:
History of the United States
...A movie?:
(Irish Indy film)
...A song?:
Willy McTell (Dylan)
...An album?:
Machine (Waits)
...A group or
Malcolm Holcombe
...A hobby?: