eNTRaDaS PaRa La HiSTeRia

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

DeWolff - Roux-Ga-Roux (2016). Entrevista a Luka van de Poel

¡Comienza la gira de presentación de "Roux-Ga-Roux"!

En constante evolución y crecimiento, DeWolff dejan atrás el recuerdo de aquellos jovenzuelos que rompieron el molde en 2007 dejando patidifusos a buena parte de los críticos musicales de su país con su desparpajo y una soltura impropia de su edad. Eran apenas unos adolescentes, con un talento desbordante y una carrera por delante al alcance de pocos.

Roux-Ga-Roux (2016)

Ya en plena madurez vital y artística la banda sigue explorando nuevos horizontes musicales. "Roux-Ga-Roux" es el nombre del disco que significa la confirmación de Dewolff como una de las bandas jóvenes con más proyección en Europa. Cargado derock, soul, funk y psicodelia, tremendamente sexy y con una calidad técnica y compositiva marca de la casa, DeWolff estarán presentando su nueva joya sonora en directo en abril de 2016 en nuestro país.

La tradición y la innovación no han de estar reñidas y lo retro puede ser más cool que tu vecina hipster. Eso debieron de pensar DeWolff cuando empezaron a trastear con instrumentos siendo apenas unos críos. Y eso es lo que no paran de demostrar año tras año, disco tras disco. Gira tras gira.


Ven a comprobarlo en cualquiera de los conciertos que van a ofrecer en las siguientes ciudades:
21/04 - Madrid - Boite - Entradas 
22/04 - Zamora - La cueva del Jazz- Entradas
23/04 - Burgos - Estudio27 - Entradas
24/04 - Vigo - La Iguana - Entradas
25/04 - León - El Gran Café - Entradas
26/04 - Gijón - El Casino
28/04 - Bilbao - Kafe Antzokia - Entradas
29/04 - Zaragoza - Sala López
30/04 - Valencia - 16 toneladas - Entradas
01/05 - Barcelona - Rocksound - Entradas


The songs of DeWolff sound like Intesive and elegant Soul, Fuunk & Rock from the 70s, Psicodelia from the 60s. A great mix of styles that results on the fantastic sound of your music. But, what really are your musical influences?
We listen to a lot of music, indeed ranging from old 60’s southern soul, like Otis Redding, Aretha franklin, Johnnie Taylor and Dan Penn to southern rock like The Band, Leon Russell and also stuff like dr. John, The Black Crowes, Otis Rush, Dylan LeBlanc, The Black Keys. just to name a few!

This year marks 10 years since DeWolff  began as a band (your first tour, one year later). What is the difference between the music of DeWolff today and your music 10 years ago?
The music we make nowadays is completely different from when we started. Actually, we started out as a psychedelic surf band, but we quickly cut the surf part. We listened a lot to Pink Floyd and The Doors, so our songs were mainly jam based songs. Since a few years we’re listening a lot to American music, old blues, soul and southern rock. I think we managed to create a good mixture of all this and made it our own.

Your new album is "Roux-Ga-Roux", released this year. What are your expectations with this record?
Off course we hoped that it would be praised by our listeners, but also by people who don’t know us yet,. We also hoped to go on a big tour and play all over Europe. I think we’re heading in the right direction!

What do we will see and enjoy in your live concerts for next tour around Spain?
A lot of groovin’ southern funkin’ psychedelic rock ‘n’ rollin’ goin’ on!

What are your plans for this year 2016 and next 2017? We assume that you will touring around clubs and festivals. Can you advance anything to us? Any important event?
We’ll be playing a loooot of shows this year! Next year is our 10th anniversary… We can assure you we have great things in mind.

Do you think the digital world will end with music as we know it today? What do you think is the future of music?
We’re living in an age in which almost everything can exist side by side, but it’s also very fragmented. I think the music industry will continue being like this. It will never be like 20, 30 years ago.. Too bad for us, but you shouldn’t think about it too much.

What is your best memory about music?
Getting goosebumps from a song you’ve never heard before!

How is a normal day in the life of a member of DeWolff?
At this time it’s mainly driving, soundchecking and playing, day after day! If we don’t play, we rehearse or record in our own analog studio.

Love Dimension (2016)


Could you tell us about...

... A book?:
There’s a book called Lord of the rings by jrr Tolkien. They also made a movie out of it. It’s very entertaining!

... A movie?:
There’s a movie called lord of the rings, it’s based on a book by jrr Tolkien. It’s even more entertaining than the book!

... A song?:
There’s a song called Ramble on by Led Zeppeling, it’s about the lord of the rings.

... An album?:
We’re listening a lot to Cautionary tale by Dylan leblanc. He’s a great singer songwriter from Alabama. If you like Neil Young then check it out!

... A group or soloist?:
Jim Ford is great forgotten artist who made the grittiest, grooviest funk you’ve ever heard.
Check out his album Harlan County!

... A hobby?:
Maybe… Music? I’d rather call it an obsession!

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