eNTRaDaS PaRa La HiSTeRia

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

Mark Olson - Good-bye Lizelle (2014). Entrevista a Mark Olson

Mark Olson, fundador, vocalista, guitarra y co-autor de los éxitos de la banda The Jayhawks, presentó en España "Good- Bye Lizelle", su revelador álbum de 2014, junto a Ingunn Ringvold y el gran armonicísta español, Juan Blas Becerra durante los últimos meses del 2015 y primeros del 2016.

“Good- bye Lizelle, musicalmente se trata de un punto y aparte con respecto a todo lo que ha hecho antes, con Jayhawks y con Creekdippers" -  nos dice Mark Olson, una colección de canciones en las que Mark ha logrado condensar todo su viaje de tres décadas. Grabado en roulots, casas de campo y habitaciones de hotel junto con su compañera Ingunn Ringvold, cantante y multi-instrumentista noruega, Juntos nos devuelven a los tiempos de los primeros Graham Nash y Joni Mitchell.

Fue disco del mes de Septiembre del género 'Americana' para Mojo Magazine Usa donde decían: "Mark e Ingunn nos presentan once piezas moldeadas a mano, a fuego lento, cada una con su historia y vida propias. Un trabajo sobresaliente de uno de los mejores compositores de los últimos 30 años."

Good-bye Lizelle (2014)

Mark Olson comenta: "Admito que he trabajado duro en este disco. He puesto en él todo lo que tengo. He intentado tocar al máximo, interpretar al máximo y componer al máximo. Quiero que sea una mirada al futuro y que nuestra historia continúe".

El trabajo musical de Mark Olson es bien conocido para los amantes del género musical 'Americana', y el Alt Country pues muy probablemente conocen la música de The Jayhawks, Luego formó Creekdippers junto con su pareja de aquella época, Victoria Williams y Mike Russel. Más adelante The Salvation Blues.

Su próxima experiencia consistirá en compartir doce escenarios con Rubén Pozo: el rock en la búsqueda y disfrute de sus propias esencias.

Recordamos la entrevista que nuestro compañero Josechu Egido hizo a Mark Olson, hace unos meses 


In this latest album, “Good-bye Lizelle” (2014) you surprise us with a different Folk Rock style, mixed with sounds like Rock, Folk, Psicodelia and a little Pop and a bit of Barroque Classical Music!. A fantastic mix of styles that results in the exquisite sound of your music. What can you tell us about that? It seems Mark Olson is inspired by the sounds of the old times in their themes, what can you tell us about it?
I can see that you have an understanding of my musical situation and outlook. Sometimes I feel alone in my search for the next folk rock sound explosion. All my life I have been looking around on street corners and in Los towns off the highway for this golden key this  mix of elements and styles, one style that you missed was the Armenian influence. There has a lays been experimentation in eastern styles of music with our folk rock roots but I don't recall a direct Armenian look before. We went to Armenia with an American charity group called the Paros foundation, there Ingunn learned he Qanon and I studied he music of Sayat Nova and Komitas. Have you seen the movie the “Color Of  Pomegranates”? This is the music of Sayat Nova. Two songs Running Circles and Jessie In An Old World are influenced in this way, I like all the instruments we use. On his album and in our touring we use the guitar (of course who doesn't like the guitar!, maybe some people) the Qanon, the dulcimer , the djembe and the Italian Farfisa organ. Having a real old organ is important. New organs are too clean, I like music and vocals with old souls, yes a world that has been lived in and has a complete understanding of its purpose is to my liking. I am so glad you like our music!

Why have you titled “Good-bye Lizelle” to your last album? What inspires you when to make your songs?
Lizelle was a woman at our wedding. Ingunn and I got married in South Africa due to visa difficulties in America. When you get married in a strange country away from home you wonder "wha is going to happen next" we did not know for 5 years about our visa. So I thought about Lizelle at our wedding and how she was there for just that one moment in life and after that we would never see her again and our life would have a story we could never know until it unfolds. When you live in the place you are born and have all your lifetime friends things are different but the modern age is existential and many people are displaced so this is the meaning of Good bye Lizelle. Good bye to the wedding party and hello to the unknown.

What do we will see and enjoy in your live concerts for next “Good-bye Lizelle tour” around Spain?
Tt's going to be one of the best concerts of the year. Ingunn and I are in top form along with us is Juan on Spanish Harmonica. We form a unity triad of sound that causes people to lose sense of time and distance and start moving and grooving around the dance floor. That said I am so excited about our sound and overjoyed to have a great folk rock band on my hands!

Do you have any surprise or any plans alternative to this tour for 2015 and 2016?. Can you anticipate anything to us?
We go from Spain to Holland and then spend a month with Ingunns family in Norway. 2016 is a painting I still need to find the colors for!

Do you think the digital world will end with music as we know it today? What do you think is the future of music?
The digital world is a total and complete disaster. What a bad feeling CDs and computers have brought into the vinyl world. We have vinyl so we are trying but yes it is not pretty. The digital world is like a flower garden that never was planted so nothing is growing. Just an empty box.

What is your best memory about music?
Playing the Qanon and Drum for he first time together with Ingunn in Vanadzor Armenia. We found for t he first time a complete new sound and way of playing music and it seemed like when life is there around you it is wonderful to go out and seek it and learn new things and ideas.

What do you think about the current economic and social situation in Spain, Europe and in the world in general?
It's terrible, there are so many complex problems but there are heroes everywhere that are rising up against the greed and hate there are hopeful kind people in he world.


Could you tell us about...

... A book?: I read a French book called “The Way Of The World” about two friends that drive through the Balkans and all the way to Iran it is a very real interesting historical story. I think they drove a Renault which is a seldom seen car for Americans

... A movie?: I like the silent movie "Grass" it is about a tribal search for green grass. There is a great thought in the movie "Goats can't swim or thy won't swim" this is a normal state for everyone we can't or we won't do something according to one of the two reasons.

... A song?: “In My Life” by Lennon. Just Great!

... An album?: Yes, Lal Waterson “Bright Phoebus” is an incredible British folk rock album.

... A group or soloist?: Yes, Komitas is a great composer from Armenia. Many great versions can be found of his songs.

... A hobby? Rock hounding finding agates and gemstones in the desert!

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