eNTRaDaS PaRa La HiSTeRia

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

The Buttshakers - Night Shift (2016). Entrevista a Vincent Girard

Liderados por la energía y la voz hechizante de la seductora y carismática riot-girl Ciara Thompson, los Buttshakers están creando su propio camino a base  de cálido, húmedo y crudo rhythm and blues  con esencia de lo mejor de la música soul que tanto aman. Rhythm & Blues  ,dosis de garaje, y un gran sex-appeal hacen que sus canciones sean como potentes golpes de calor , convirtiendo sus espectáculos en una caliente y furibunda pista de baile.

The Buttshakers han encabezado importantes festivales internacionales como Enclave De Agua, Festival Internacional de Blues de Bejar, Miaque…pero es en las pequeñas distancias cuando este combo capitaneado por la cantante de Saint-Louise te deja sin habla entre el 21 de septiembre y el 1 de octubre la península va a botar con la intensidad de The Buttshakers.

Night Shift (2014)

Después de su primer álbum en 2011, “Headaches & Heartaches”, que sirve para descubrir a la banda  y les lleva a recorrer de arriba abajo las carreteras francesas y un EP llamado “Wicked Woman" en 2013, grabado en el Yeah Yeah Yeah Estudio en Hamburgo (Alemania) con el sello CopaseDisques , Los Buttshakers lanzaron su segundo álbum llamado "Night Shift" en 2016 en Alemania con Copasedisques, siempre con Soul de alta graduación, este álbum recuerda lo mejor de Sharon Jones, The Sweet Vandals , Charles Bradley, James Brown ...Vuelven ahora a España en una nueva gira presentando las canciones de lo que será su nuevo trabajo en una gira de 10 fechas


Your songs sound like intensive and elegant R&B and Soul mixed with a bit of Jazz, Pop and Rock. A great mix of styles that results on the fantastic sound of your music. So, what really are your musical influences?

Our influences are very very diverse. We’re 6 musician and everyone comes from a different background… The main thing that got us together was the love for soul music and back music in general.
So at the end we7re making soul music and everyones’s influence can be found in the music we do.

Next year marks 5 years since The Buttshakers edited “Wicked Woman”. What is the difference between the music of The Buttshakers today and your music 5 years ago?
First of all I think our music changed because we’re better that 5 years ago. I don’t mean better musicians but better at playing together.
I think we kept that « wild » energy we’re known for but we also tend to do more arranged songs.

You edited your last LP titled "Night Shift" in August 2016..Has it fulfilled this work with your expectations? Still, do you expect more from this album?
This L.P definitely fulfilled is work has it allowed us to tour a lot. We cherish it but we are know thinking about the nexts albums of the Buttshakers.

What do we will see and enjoy in your live concerts for next tour around Spain?
You will see a very energetic show, with a lot of sweat! ahaha!
We’ll play songs from « night shift » but also a bunch of new songs we’ve been working on.

What are your plans for this year 2017 and next 2018? We assume that you will touring around clubs and festivals. Can you advance anything to us? Any important event?
2017 has been a very studious year, we’ve been working on new materials to put on a new record. The music took a more produced way while keeping the raw sound that we love.
2018 will be the start of a new tour and you will definitely see and hear new stuffs.

Do you think the digital world will end with music as we know it today? What do you think is the future of music?
I think the future of music are the musicians… Is what we will do with music and how we make it that will make the difference.
In anywise the future past and present of music is LIVE MUSIC.

What is your best memory about music?
We did a special round of 2 shows with 22 kids between 10 and 20 years old.
We took this kid, show them our way to do music and brought them to play in a festival behind a 5000 people crowd. It was magical to show them that the music has to be performed on stage.

How is a normal day in the life of The Buttshakers?
It’s a normal day.. we get up, take care of our loved ones and go to work. excepted that our work is music….

What do you think about the current economic and social situation in Spain, Iceland, Europe and World in general?
This is a very personal question so i can speak just for myself but I think the whole global system is completely fucked up and that the gap between te superrich and poor is bigger everyday. I think the whole world is serving a system that doesn’t work and that we’re getting to the point where there won’t be a way back. On the other hand, some of us (the band) are know parents and I guess that forces you to be a bit more optimistic. Maybe education will be the key for a more reasonable way of living. Who knows…

Night Shift (2014)


Could you tell us about...

... A book?: 
100 ants de soledad (G.Garcia Marquez)

... A movie?: 
Amores Perros (Inarritu)

... A song?: 
Sunday kind of love (Etta James)

... An album?: 
Soul Time (S.Jones)

... A group or soloist?: 
James Brown.

... A hobby?: 
Music ;)

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